Video Of The Week - Why An Entire Turkish Neighborhood Secretly Learned Sign Language

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The day began like any other. Muharrem, a hearing-impaired young man and his sister, who reside in Istanbul's Bağcılar neighborhood, headed out to complete some chores. Along the way, Muharrem noticed a strange phenomenon. Everyone, from the pedestrian that accidently bumped into him, to the person who sold him bagels, to even the taxi driver, communicated with him using sign language.

댓글 257개
  • pusheenicorn
    pusheenicorn4년 이하
    Wow! That is amazing! And I love sign language. Its so much fun! 😊
    • animereina2021
      animereina20214년 이상
      Wow! That was soooo sweet! They did all of that just for the impaired young man and his sister. If someone is deaf or blind don't make fun... They are people just like us, and just because they have a disability doesn't mean they can't do anything. They can do anything if they try hard enough💕
      • grimreeper13
        grimreeper135년 이상
        this is so darn sweet , I almost cried. And i almost never cry. I support Muharrem and the people of his community . #def people are still awesome people
        • Amy6년 이하
          Awesome 👏
          • pakistanfan
            pakistanfan7년 이상
            Wow. I thought no-one did that anymore
            • elisabethy
              elisabethy8년 이하
              This is touching.
              • ceciliak
                ceciliak8년 이하
                I personally thought that this article would be more about how the community learned sign language to talk without the government knowing what they were saying.
                • grimreeper13
                  grimreeper135년 이상
                  me too at one point then i started reading and it is really sweet and heart warming
                  • christianribera
                    christianribera8년 이하
                    you must be so edgy
                  • ceciliak
                    ceciliak8년 이하
                    • schoollover
                      schoollover8년 이하
                      • ajg16
                        ajg168년 이하
                        That is so nice!

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