Video Of The Week - Hate Cleaning? Get A Cat!

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Photo credit: Jupin via

The fact that cats are obsessed with cleanliness is well known. Felines, after all, do spend 50% of their waking hours grooming. However, this cat in Japan appears to be also concerned about keeping its home spotless.

댓글 2044개
  • fojuvusy-172443771718
    This cat is SOOO cute, and SMART!! I also have 7 cats! 6 are kittens! And one is the mom.
    • newsmp
      I wish I had a cat! They are so cute!
      • jamison2010
        I have a cat named Jackson he is a tuxedo and also very fat...He does nothing except be absolutely adorable!!! Plz like.
        • books-nooks
          My cat, Macy, just lies down and stares at me while I'm cleaning! (Probably cuz I wake her up with the vaccum cleaner!)
          • newsmp
            newsmp약 1년
            Wow! This is an amazing cat! I hope i have this kind of cats to help me do house work!
            • tennislover_omg
              tennislover_omg약 1년
              I like dogs a little better than cats but the cat in the video was cute too.
              • lybuzylodiza
                lybuzylodiza1년 이상
                WoW! Owner should give some money to cat because it work so hard! LOL!
              • frog_is_cool17
                frog_is_cool171년 이상
                cat = cool
                • dexterd54
                  dexterd542년 이하
                  i have two cats
                  • lewislyd
                    lewislyd2년 이하
                    I have a bunny and a cat!

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