October Is Filled With Exciting Stargazing Events

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A harvest moon shone brightly in the night skies on October 1, 2020 (Credit: NASA/Joel Kowsky)

It's been only a week since October began, and skywatchers have already been treated to a gorgeous, full Harvest Moon and the opportunity to observe Mars at its brightest since 2003. As it turns out, the two events were only a precursor to the other thrilling celestial treats in store for us for the rest of the month. They include two meteor showers, a rare chance to see the Red Planet in opposition, and a "Blue Moon."

댓글 266개
  • summer_beach
    summer_beach약 2년
    Wow!!! That is so cool! I am very interested in space and weather! 🤩🌕🪐 💦
    • adroit_avimimus
      adroit_avimimus2년 이상
      That is so interesting! I personally love the universe and its astronomical phenomenon!
      • gg3437
        gg34373년 이하
        nice class
        • dhhue
          dhhue3년 이상
          it was awsome
          • pinkkitty9
            pinkkitty93년 이상
            ughh i missed all of that but its cool
            • mysterous
              mysterous4년 이하
              i do not have pic of the moon but i have asome sun ries case i live on the south side but tat was cool
            • sophiaday
              sophiaday4년 이하
              • pastelea
                pastelea4년 이하
                I was.looking through my pics and I just remember I saw the orange moon!🌕🌙
                • pastelea
                  pastelea4년 이하
                  I heard there will not be another full moon on Halloween for 20 hears.
                • wolfgang666
                  wolfgang6664년 이하
                  Oh yeah I saw the blue moon. So pretty, Good for wolves to howl at the fascinating sight!!! ;)

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