World's Oldest DNA Recovered From Million-Year-Old Siberian Mammoth Teeth

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An illustration of the ancient lineage of steppe mammoths, which led to the wooly mammoths that roamed the Arctic (Credit: Beth Zaiken/Center For Palaeogenetics)

A team of Swedish scientists has successfully extracted and reconstructed the world's oldest DNA from the tooth of a Siberian mammoth, which roamed Earth over a million years ago. Also known as deoxyribonucleic acid, the all-important molecule — which contains the genetic instructions for the development and function of living things. — provides new insights into the evolution of the ancient Ice Age giants. Prior to this, the oldest DNA sequenced came from the bone of a horse that trotted around Canada about 700,000 years ago.

댓글 264개
  • hxney_secret
    hxney_secret2년 이상
    I really like this information and I would like to read more about this.
    • kainorion
      kainorion2년 이상
      One thing I learned from reading this is that they found this tooth in Siberian.
      • carebear0518
        carebear05183년 이하
        Unless the story I read was fake scientists have found a whole baby mammoth
        • adroit_avimimus
          adroit_avimimus2년 이상
          I read that one as well! I don't believe it is fake, since it was found in a slab of ice, which could perfectly preserve something, not as good as amber though
        • artemishunter93
          artemishunter933년 이하
          So cool!
          • hahalow
            hahalow3년 이하
            It is really cool how they find stuff from thousands of years ago.
            • xingqiu
              xingqiu3년 이하
              very cool! hehe!
              • world_explorer
                world_explorer약 3년
                Woah, DNA is so fascinating. Do you think they could recreate the Siberian Mammoth with the DNA? Just a thought..
                • legitplayz
                  legitplayz3년 이상
                  Everyday science fiction is becoming more like real life, from brain chips to ancient DNA.
                  • 2134567
                    21345673년 이상
                    the first people came 100,000 years ago. mammoths went extinct 3,700 years ago , due to some getting trapped on an island.
                    • ripley_ghs
                      ripley_ghs3년 이상

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