Everyone Is A Little Irish On St. Patrick's Day!

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St. Patrick's Day is celebrated annually on March 17 (Credit: CC0 public domain/Pxhere.com)

St. Patrick may have been an Irish clergyman, but his death anniversary — observed annually on March 17 — is celebrated worldwide, even in cities and towns with few or no ethnic Irish people. Here is a brief history of the man behind the holiday and the origins of some of the fun traditions associated with the commemoration.

댓글 217개
  • gooding2065
    gooding20652년 이하
    Anyone else think that dying to River Green would be bad for the fish
  • pink_koala
    pink_koala약 3년
    • lego_man
      lego_man약 3년
      • mattchien
        mattchien3년 이상
        • brooklyn235
          brooklyn2353년 이상
          Happy late sanit packticks day!🍀
        • carsten
          carsten3년 이상
          Happy 8 weeks and 5 days late St. Patricks day!
          • carmencummings
            carmencummings3년 이상
            Happy 8 weeks and 1 day late St. Patrick's day!
            • alphawolf13
              alphawolf133년 이상
              Fun fact: I am part Irish. and yes, I have a slight Irish accent.
              • playstationxmas
                playstationxmas약 3년
                Cool! I am also part Irish! I'm Irish and Italian. I'm , like, half Italian, and a quarter Irish. The funny thing is, I'm half Italian, a quarter Irish, and I was born in the South and have lived in the South my entire life - and yet, I have no accent at all. No Italian accent, no Irish accent, no Southern accent.
                • alphademon673
                  alphademon6732년 이상
                  Nice! I'm also Italian/Irish! Small world huh?
                • wolfy_blue
                  wolfy_blue3년 이상
                  Oh cool
                  • rosiek
                    rosiek3년 이상
                    I don't have an accent, yet apparently I'm over 1/2 Irish. (;
                    • playstationxmas
                      playstationxmas약 3년
                      I'm Irish, too! A quarter Irish. BTW I don't have an accent either. P. S. Something funny just happened! I'm writing about how I'm a quarter Irish, and U2 just came on the radio, and they're an Irish band!
                  • nightcolony442
                    nightcolony4423년 이상
                    I was away from home this past saint Patty's day, as we call it in my house, But I did get corned beef and cabbage which is probably the first time I had.
                    • nightwaves
                      nightwaves3년 이상
                      Cool. Never knew that.

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