A Piece Of Digital Artwork Just Auctioned For A Stunning $69 Million!

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"Everydays: The First 5000 days," a collage of digital prints published by digital artist Mike Winkelmann, aka Beeple, sold for $69 million (Credit: Christie's)

When Christie's set out to auction its first-ever digital-only artwork — "Everydays: The First 5000 Days"— on March 1, 2021, they had fully expected it to fetch more than the minimum bid of $100. However, the 255-year-old British auction house had never in its wildest dreams envisioned that the unique masterpiece, minted by Mike Winkelmann, aka Beeple, would fetch a record $60.25 million ($69.3 million with fees).

댓글 231개
  • zodynoci-159845232898
    zodynoci-159845232898약 1년
    I would never buy that, even I could do better..
    • 2180752
      21807521년 이상
      • boba_addiction
        boba_addiction약 2년
        The artwork is $69 million dollars?????????? I mean i'll understand because the person who made it took very long to make it, but i would never buy it because with$69 million dollars, you can buy thousands of mansions, houses, house fees, water money, and house insuranses. I would not even make something that takes a lot of work and sell it for a lot of money, because it is too risky. i should say to this article, expensive, but cool.
        • iheartpuppies
          iheartpuppies약 2년
          What?!!!!!! That's insane!
          • kainorion
            kainorion2년 이상
            One thing I learned from reading this is that a digital art piece is worth $69millon which is crazy.
            • zaina-caem
              zaina-caem2년 이상
              HE'S BEING SO THRIFTY.
              • pitcherperfect
                pitcherperfect2년 이상
                I wonder how long it took for someone to find their artwork 😂
                • foodynate
                  foodynate3년 이하
                  That was so cool
                  • theatredude
                    theatredude3년 이하
                    SO COOL!
                    • pastelea
                      pastelea약 3년
                      Looks like wall photos!

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