Guess What? Fish Can Do Basic Math!

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University of Bonn researchers taught fish to do basic math (Credit: Dr. Vera Schlüssel/University of Bonn)

Your silent, expressionless pet goldfish may appear oblivious to you and its surroundings. But the aquatic vertebrates are smarter than they seem. Previous studies have shown that fish are quick learners, can retain information for up to five months, and even recognize their owner from a group of humans.

댓글 177개
  • kanaa
    Smart fishy!
    • hakosozodipy
      My sister has had a lot of fish in the past and killed them all because she can't take care of fish but at this very moment in time this the longest my sister has had three fish. ( One is pink one is purple and one blue.)
      • claire_23
        claire_231년 이상
        I guess some fish are just really smart
        • siguygotwrise
          siguygotwrise1년 이상
          bruhhhh fish can do basik math and it's hard for me to do math
          • skyward_flight
            skyward_flight1년 이상
            • thegretest21
              thegretest211년 이상
              A++++ for fish!
              • zuvyvavulita
                zuvyvavulita1년 이상
                I don't agree with this, it has not been studied enough to comfrim it.
                • majestic_tiger1
                  majestic_tiger12년 이하
                  • idolcreature
                    idolcreature약 2년
                    You know it's sad when your pet fish does math better than you
                    • adroit_avimimus
                      adroit_avimimus약 2년
                      Maybe my pet fish can do my geometry for me..
                      • foster4eva
                        brian; sir my dog ate my homework.alex;my fish forgot to do my homework
                        • best_of_today
                          best_of_today2년 이하
                          i mean, it said basic math, but maybe just tell the fish its basic and it'll be fine

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