The September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks

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9/11/ 2001 was one of the darkest days in US history (Credit:

On September 11, 2022, Americans will mark the 21st anniversary of the deadliest terrorist attacks in US history. The unprovoked act of violence was planned and executed by members of the Islamic extremist organization al-Qaeda. The tragedy resulted in the deaths of 2,977 innocent people and altered life as we knew it forever.

댓글 152개
  • jupuzedo-172443771689
    • loone
      This is incredibly sad! I do not want this to ever happen again! 😖
      • hayleigh0409
        hayleigh0409약 1년
        I feel really sad toward this. Since I'm military my parents helped with this. My dad is active duty air force and my mom is prior army so they helped out with this.
        • mrbobby
          mrbobby1년 이상
          That is really sad😿
          • megajuju
            megajuju1년 이상
            This is so sad! They didn't deserve to die it was the hijackers that deserved to die.😔
            • patrickfeltner
              patrickfeltner1년 이상
              Wow your mom is lucky!!!
              • jarivegonezu
                jarivegonezu1년 이상
                my mom was in new york but not close to the twin towers
                • iseforlife
                  iseforlife1년 이상
                  I almost didn't finish the video!!! I was about to cryyyyy!! no joke!
                  • kittykatpawz
                    kittykatpawz2년 이하
                    my mom escaped on the south tower
                  • book_addict
                    book_addict2년 이하
                    That is so sad! Those people that were on the airplane or in the twin towers during the attack didn’t deserve to die!

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