Perseid Meteor Showers Promise A Dazzling Show This Year

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The Perseids will peak on the night of August 11, 2024 (Credit: NASA/ Public Domain)

There are numerous meteor showers throughout the year. However, few are as popular, or as reliable, as the Perseids. The "shooting stars" have been zooming across the skies at a rate of about a dozen an hour since mid-July. But the best time to watch them will be from midnight to dawn on August 11, 12, and 13, 2024. That is when the number of meteors will increase sharply to between 50 and 100 an hour. Also, unlike previous years, this upcoming show will not be overshadowed by a bright Moon. This will make it easier to view even the dimmer meteors.

댓글 25개
  • naomig08
    naomig08약 1달
    I really want to see it.
    • hree0
      hree0약 1달
      So cool
      • marleydelyla13
        marleydelyla13약 1달
        🙄so fun.🙄
        • dogo23irene
          dogo23irene약 1달
          I LOVE meteor showers! They are pretty! I wish I can see them! Remember to make a wish!
          • mico14
            mico14약 1달
            my family loves looking to the sky to see fascinating natural events like the solar storm back in May and the solar eclipse in April i guess i should be expecting a watch party in a week
            • dogo23irene
              dogo23irene약 1달
              WOW! I'd LOVE to do that. Seems cool!
              • mico14
                mico14약 1달
                just learned the ideal viewing time for my area is 1 or 2 am so viewing party isnt happening cause all my cousins are little it'll just be me and my little sister watching
                • dogo23irene
                  dogo23irene약 1달
                  Oh! I guess it is still cool watching it with your sister!
                  • mico14
                    mico14약 1달
                    we only saw two till i got tired of sitting on rocks where we live its only five meteor's per hour but i spotted 5 constellations using my star wheel
                    • dogo23irene
                      dogo23irene약 1달
                      Oh! At least you saw two. I didn't see anything! 5 constellations - that's great!
            • kayleigh2011
              kayleigh2011약 2달
              I can't wait to see them!

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