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Video Of The Week - Michael Breach Specializes In Coffee Art

Latte foam artwork, which is believed to have originated in has been around since the 1980's. But while many have mastered the art of sketching beautiful flowers and hearts, very few can compete with coffee artist extraordinaire, Michael Breach. The -based 'painter' who has been called the Da Vinci of barista coffee art can (literally) whip up any image that is presented to him - All he needs is a toothpick and some foam!...

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Video Of The Week - Watch A (Robotic) Surgeon Stitch Back A Grape Skin

Human-controlled robot "surgeons" have been assisting doctors in operating rooms since 2000. However, the Single Site "wristed needle driver" that was created by Intuitive Surgical takes robotic precision to a whole new level. That's because its flexible "wrist" allows the instrument tip to move up to 45 degrees in all directions, enabling doctors to operate on organs like the uterus, without making large incisions that result in unsightly scars....

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Video Of The Week - Walking Poodle Turns Heads In China

If you ever visit the city of Chengdu that lies southwest of China's Sichuan Province don't be surprised to see a cute backpack-carrying poodle strutting down the streets on its hind legs. According to its owner 43-year-old Zhu Tai, the dog can walk for almost a mile before it needs to come down on all fours....

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Video Of The Week - Why We Celebrate Presidents' Day

While Presidents' Day appears to be largely about sales, there is more to this holiday. Observed on the third Monday of February each year, it is a day to honor all US presidents, past and present. Prior to 1968, Americans celebrated two holidays - February 12th and 22nd in honor of Abraham Lincoln's and George Washington's birthdays respectively....

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Video Of The Week - The Airline Safety Instructions You Will Not Want To Miss!

If you are like most people, chances are that every time you are subjected to an airline safety video, your mind wanders off shortly after the instructions on fastening seat belts. This means that you miss the most important stuff. However, you will have no such issues with the one created by Air New Zealand. In fact it is so popular that even people who have no intention of flying the airline, are watching it over and over again!...

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Happy Holidays!

Thanks to all of you, it has been another fabulous year at DOGOnews! On behalf of our entire team, we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We are taking a short break to enjoy the holidays, but will be back with more exciting news articles in 2015....

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Video Of The Week - The History Of Thanksgiving

On November 27th, North Americans will celebrate Thanksgiving, an annual holiday during which families and friends get together for a scrumptious feast and reflect on all the things they are grateful for. The ancient tradition dates all the way back to 1621, when the pilgrims celebrated their first harvest with a feast that lasted for three days. While most people are aware of that, very few know that the holiday was once celebrated several times a year or that Thanksgiving as we know it today, is possible thanks to 19th century writer, Sarah Josefa Hale....

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Video Of The Week - Philips Creates Mesmerizing LED-Lit Night Skiing Movie

Television advertisements have come a long way since luxury watch manufacturer Bulova aired the first 9-second clip in 1941. Today, companies like to publicize their wares in clever ways that subtly draw attention to their products or technology. The most recent example of this is "Afterglow", a branded content film created by Sweetwater Productions in collaboration with Swedish agency Ahlstrand & Wallgren to showcase the technology behind the new Philips Ambilight Television....

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Video Of The Week - OK Go's Latest Music Video Will Have You Twirling Umbrellas

Los Angeles-based alternative rock band OK Go first rose to fame in 2006 with the release of the music video of their song "Here it Goes Again". While the song was good, what made it special was the fact that the four musicians performed the song, whilst dancing atop fast-moving treadmills. Viewed more than 50 million times on YouTube, the video became one of the year's biggest hits and even won a Grammy....

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Video Of The Week - Nikola Tesla Portrait "Painted" With Electricity

Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla is known for many brilliant innovations. However his biggest contribution to the world was the invention of the alternating current without which, we would not have electricity in our homes today! It is therefore only fitting that as a tribute to the brilliant man, American artist Phil Hansen decided to create a portrait of him using just electric sparks....

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